Under The Mushrooms

Curation, Branding, Exhibition Design, Social Media Design, Editorial Design

Under The Mushrooms, brand unit’s own project, started as a digital initiative on Instagram @underthemushrooms_ and was presented in the form of an installation at the Kunsthaus Wien from October 5-7, 2021. The exhibition was accompanied by a magazine and limited edition socks.

From brand unit’s point of view, one of the big questions behind the project was: How do you reach and activate Generation Z – the dialogue group of 18-25 year olds within the creative industries. For many companies and brands we advise – the holy grail when it comes to communication. »Mushrooms are the social network of plants. The mycelium is their most widespread form of life, the living border through which large parts of the world are connected. « (Text passage Christiane Gina Bertolini)

Affected by pandemic, economic and ecological influences, Under the Mushrooms explores the needs and wishes of creative professionals Like a seismograph. Collecting, filtering and sorting answers to ubiquitous questions resulted in a clear picture of the zeitgeist and gave us a glimpse into the future.

Generation Z knows what an ad blocker is and generally only trusts content that is shared within their own networks. You won’t get very far with traditional thinking. That was our approach. This generation does not live in the digital world as passive consumers but as active participants. That is why we placed the content that was produced by the participants within a communication design and were able to achieve a high level of visibility for the project through networking with Kunsthaus Wien and press work.

In September 2020, during the pandemic, with a young team from the brand unit we started to come up with a networking project with the title Under the Mushrooms and realized it in the last few months.

31 selected protagonists answer a question about the future in a self-made video and 6 photographers, Margarita Keller, Susanne Hofer, Eylül Aslan, Mario Ilic, Mafalda Rakoš and Maša Stanić, shot them in their living and working spaces.

The platform Under the Mushrooms is now an on-going project from brand unit.

The project provides impulses and encourages networking – as a brand agency, it enables us to keep asking questions about the future. Looking to the future is an important aspect of our work, as we shape it with our clients.


Creative Direction: Ulrike Tschabitzer-Handler
Branding: Alex Wallner
Art Direction & Cover-& Editorial Design: Mandy Zaninovic
Kurator, Organisation, Fotografische Dokumentation Creatives: Joseph Köberl
Social-Media Design: Maxi Kury
Content Creation Social-Media: Michael Neulinger
Animation: Tobias Raschbacher
Cover-Animation: Joao Teixeira


Creative Direction: Ulrike Tschabitzer-Handler
Branding: Alex Wallner
Art Direction & Cover-& Editorial Design: Mandy Zaninovic
Kurator, Organisation, Fotografische Dokumentation Creatives: Joseph Köberl
Social-Media Design: Maxi Kury
Content Creation Social-Media: Michael Neulinger
Animation: Tobias Raschbacher
Cover-Animation: Joao Teixeira