Binder Grösswang

Branding, Photo Production, Video Production

Be different. Stand out.

In the seemingly endless world of brands, this poses quite a challenge. Does this challenge extend to law firms? Absolutely. In the universe of dark suits, you require more than a brightly colored tie to capture attention. We assisted Binder Grösswang, an international corporate law firm, in precisely defining what distinguishes them from the competition: simplicity. Providing clear answers where complex explanations often prevail. This distinctive virtue of Binder Grösswang serves as the cornerstone of the brand strategy we have formulated — a logically consequent, equally clear corporate design.

Clear answers and straightforwardness are the central themes of Binder Grösswang’s advertising campaign and the guiding principle of the content strategy, narrating stories of bold and unequivocal decisions.



And you know what? It’s evident when someone consistently provides clear answers. That’s why the lawyers at Binder Grösswang are a central element of our brand communication, including on the new website. Because trust always stems from a human connection.


Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction & Design: Vanessa Buchschacher, Vasilisa Aristarkhova, Jana Weh


Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction & Design: Vanessa Buchschacher, Vasilisa Aristarkhova, Jana Weh