Brand Experience, Store Design, Branding

At brand unit we love unusual and creative briefings.

For Wein & Co, for example, the assignment was NO wine magazine. Wonderful. And do you know what? Here’s how the briefing continued: The Wein & Co magazine should be brave, unconventional, disrespectful and entertaining. Adjectives that are right up our alley. For this corporate publishing project, it was understood that we had to consider not only the print product but also different digital channels. The magazine’s target group is actually wine lovers and not wine experts. A pleasing note, as we like to target the brain AND heart when it comes to our brand communication.

One of our ideas for the magazine: We wanted to put wine lovers on pedestals. That’s why we featured Wein & Co customers appropriately on the magazine cover.

Is that the happy ending? No, not yet. Because the young and unconventional magazine became a success. So, the success of the magazine should now be translated to the entire brand: access a young target group and retain old customers. Therefore, a new brand positioning was necessary. We adjusted colors, imagery and typography. Wein & Co’s USP became the core of the brand communication: an extensive knowledge about wine products and producers accumulated over decades. This knowledge is the brand’s seal of approval and therefore, featured in the magazine – but not just there: also in the flagship store at Jasomirgottstrasse, where brand unit together with BEHF Architects created a world of experiences based on the wine knowledge and also the entire brand experience – Needless to say that’s something we love at brand unit too: when unusual briefings lead to revolutionary changes.


Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction: Ula Krzyżak
Graphic Design: Vanessa Buchschacher


Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction: Ula Krzyżak
Graphic Design: Vanessa Buchschacher