Positioning, Art Direction, Web Design, Illustration

First of all, some general information: FINAD is an established company specializing in wealth management, asset management, private market investments, and investment consulting, with locations in Zurich, Hamburg, and Vienna.

Now to our task: a comprehensive redesign of the website and the development of a new online communication strategy to emphasize FINAD’s positioning as a personal and trusted partner in wealth management.
At the start of the project, we held a positioning workshop in Zurich, which was very helpful. It quickly became clear that the employees of FINAD are the key to success. FINAD’s clients value the personalized, holistic advice and the personal contacts who solve complex issues in an international context. Trust and personal contact are therefore paramount.
This insight was directly integrated into the design of the new website. Our goal was to place the people at FINAD at the center. As a visual translation of the company philosophy, we prominently featured individual employee portraits on the homepage—providing a “zoom-in” on the personal contacts.

The imagery is inspired by the play of sharpness and blur to focus attention on the essential aspects. For the employee portraits, the background was blurred to draw attention entirely to the individuals themselves. Graphic elements use distortions and edits of artworks to add depth and structure.

Additionally, we redesigned and rephrased the text on the website. The logo was subtly adjusted and refined to underscore FINAD’s modernity and professionalism.
All in all, mission accomplished. With the redesign, FINAD’s core values are now clearly represented on the website, and the digital presence is even more closely aligned with the company philosophy.


Positioning: Albert Handler, Alexander Heuken
Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction, Web Design, Illustration: Xenia Fastnacht
Programming Website: Philipp Schmid
Photography: Marvin Zilm


Positioning: Albert Handler, Alexander Heuken
Creative Direction: Albert Handler
Art Direction, Web Design, Illustration: Xenia Fastnacht
Programming Website: Philipp Schmid
Photography: Marvin Zilm